1、家乐福销售策略Similarly,in those countries where Carrefour s growth isbased on a multiple format setup,it was organized so as tobest make use of the Group s local resources.Hence inFrance,the new logistic organization for supermarketsand convenience stores will result in significant economiesof scale for b
2、oth formats.In Brazil,the hypermarkets and supermarkets manage-ment,procurement and marketing resources were pooledto further boost sales.Wherever the Carrefour Group does business,its storeshave further moved its market positioning towards thediscount end through a policy of low prices and large-sc
3、ale promotions.The banners concerned by the con-version to the euro locked in their prices through May2002 and maintened a freeze on own brands over thewhole year.In Greece,for example,the prices of over1,000 products were frozen and the “budget itemsprices ”were maintained through December 31.The p
4、rice positioning was supported by many promo-tional campaigns.In the first half,Carrefour won backmarket share in Brazil by conducting three short promo-tional campaigns a week.In the second half,the group s40thAnniversary offered a worldwide opportunity to dis-play the competitive nature of the pro
5、duct range.Otherinternational promotions such as the ones in countriesA firm positioning in discountCarrefour s priority is for each of its stores to set thebenchmark in retailing among its peers.Its stores provideall of the benefits of convenience,broad selection andprice under one roof,which only
6、a world-class Group canprovide.Efforts made in 2001 to pool know-how,logistics toolsand to group purchases have paid off.The gains derivedallow for aggressive discounting while increasing the num-ber of innovations.In Europe,the synergies achieved by France,Italy,Spainand Belgium boosted sales in th
7、eir stores,which managedto maintain a very aggressive price positioning comparedto the average for the market.These synergies also benefited from the internationaldeployment of product ranges.Spain saw the introduc-tion of 444 Carrefour product ranges and Italy 280.Meanwhile,1,400 retailer brands to
8、ok the Carrefourname in Belgium.The Dia brand was introduced in France,thereby giving Ed the benefit of Dia Spain s purchasingclout.In the non-food sector,Carrefour Spain successfully intro-duced its textile know-how in Greece and Italy,therebyresulting in a net sales gain in these locations.Meanwhi
9、le,Italy began to step up its role as a caterer for its Europeanneighbors.Optimizing resources through synergies14“During 2002,our Group continued to win market share basedon strong sales momentum and many new store openings in the30 countries where we have operations.We enhanced the appealof our ba
10、nners and built customer loyalty with our strongdiscount positioning as well as our focus on innovation andquality.The pace of expansion picked up with the addition of963,000 square meters of sales space in 2002 under the Group sbanners compared to 150,000 square meters in 2001.Carrefouralso enjoyed
11、 the first fruits of its multiple format strategy inWestern Europe and Latin America,passing on the gains derivedfrom pricing synergies to the greater benefit of consumers.Because we put the customer first,we have systematizedthe implementation of a program for long-term growththat encompasses the s
12、afety and quality of our products,environmental protection and a commitment to ethics and ouremployees.Lastly,to support our expansion and provide the bestpossible service to our customers,the Group hired a total of70,000 new employees in all its banners in all countries.”Daniel Bernard,Chairman and
13、 Chief Executive OfficerOUR STRATEGYS T E P P I N G U P T H E O F F E N S I VEMake consumer products accessible to the greatest number of people.Carrefour is working to achievethis goal every day by tailoring its products and concepts to consumers needs and expectations.In 2002,this uncompromising a
14、pproach paid off.The Group grew its market share in every countrywhere it does business through an aggressive pricing policy,a revamped marketing program combinedwith quality products and a successful customer loyalty program.15 Stepping up the offensive Our strategyBrazil China Poland Francebrand,p
15、resent in 9 countries with 815 productreferences in 2002.The clientele appreciates this commitment.The salesvolumes attest to the role Carrefour plays in makingquality accessible to all.Stimulated by low prices,stores have found effective andinventive tools to drive the sales momentum.The Grouphas multiplied innovations by introducing new conceptsin all of the formats,launching new product lines (likethe Jaimeline)and increasing the scope of its services.Innovation to make stores increasinglyappealinginvolved in the World Football Cup,helped to boostthe stores financial performance.Foo