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  • 新零售:中国给西方的一课(英文).pdf_第1页




    关 键  词:
    零售 中国 西方 英文

    1、The Boston Consulting Group Alibaba1For more on this topic,go to What China Reveals about the FutuRe oF shoppingBy Chris Biggs,Amee Chande,Erica Matthews,Pierre Mercier,Angela Wang,and Linda ZouImagine being in the middle of TimesSquare,surrounded by flashing lights,fast-talking vendors,street perfo

    2、rmers,live music,noisy traffic jams,and endless other distractions.Now imagine youre online and surrounded by the same energetic chaos.Welcome to Chinas digital market-place,where shopping is an adventurea fire hose of rapidly changing content,offers,products,colors,and choices.For Western shoppers

    3、accustomed to simple,transac-tional online buying,its a culture shock.China has more e-commerce activity than any country in the world today.According to Chinas National Bureau of Statistics,Chinese consumers spent$750 billion on-line in 2016more than the US and the UK combined.That is a jaw-droppin

    4、g num-ber,but even more interesting is how dif-ferently Chinas digital marketplace,tech-nology platforms,and online behaviors have evolved compared with those in West-ern markets.These differences provide a glimpse into the future of shoppingand offer valuable insights for companies around the globe

    5、.This article,the first in a series on the future of retail,provides an overview of e-commerce in China today and explores some of those key differences.the Digital Revolution goes MobileWhen Amazon and e-tailing disrupted US shopping in the 1990s,retailers and con-sumers alike had to rethink their

    6、deeply in-grained habits.By contrast,physical retail in China was less developed.The digital revolution coincided with the growth of disposable income and consumption.As a result,e-commerce quickly became the norm,and its development was fast-tracked to the point where China pulled ahead of the West

    7、.(See Exhibit 1.)China is also a pioneer in mobile commerce.(See Exhibit 2.)Many consumers skipped the PC era entirely,going right to smart-phones.This may explain why Samsung phones with larger screens took hold in Chi-na well before they did in Western markets.According to industry estimates,onlin

    8、e pur-chases made with mobile phones will ac-The New Retail:Lessons from China for the WestThe Boston Consulting Group Alibaba 20 5 10 15 20 20 40 60 80 100 E-commerce share of retail(%)Internet penetration(%)US UK South Korea Japan France CHINA Thailand India Malaysia Brazil 2010 2015 Sources:Econo

    9、mist Intelligence Unit,Internet World Stats,International Telecommunication Union,World Bank,Euromonitor,BCG analysis.Note:Internet penetration=the number of internet users divided by the population.An internet user is someone at least two years of age who has been online in the past 30 days.Exhibit

    10、 1|E-Commerce Exploded in China from 20102015,Pulling Ahead of the West1,1741,0488887205213241514411205001,0001,5002020E2019E2015E201420132018E2017E2016E20122011Retail m-commercesales in China($billions)32116211527343351396141684371M-COMMERCE ASA SHARE OF TOTALE-COMMERCE(%)ChinaUSGlobal average:35 4

    11、5734674Sources:Criteo;iResearch;eMarketer;BCG analysis.Note:Converted at an exchange rate of US$1=RMB6.24.M-commerce=mobile commerce.Exhibit 2|Mobile Commerce in China Is Growing Far Faster Than in the USThe Boston Consulting Group Alibaba3count for 74%of total e-commerce in China by 2020,compared w

    12、ith just 46%in the US.The pace of e-commerce doesnt seem to be slowing:the industry is expected to grow by 20%annually in China over the next five yearstwice as fast as in the US and the UK.This growth will be driven not only by increased individual spending but also by an expected influx of hundred

    13、s of millions of new consumers,many from smaller cities and rural areas,who have yet to go online.As part of this growth,we expect to see higher e-commerce penetration in product categories that may be surprising for the West.Today,Chinese consumers buy every-thing from organic foods to luxury cars

    14、on-line.Over the next five years,online shop-ping will spread and deepen across a wide range of categories.According to some pro-jections,just five categories in the US such as books and clothingwill capture more than 40%of e-shoppers.In China,15 categories,from snacks to financial ser-vices,will re

    15、ach this level of penetration.e-Commerce edgeChinas unique retail history has given rise to one of the most advanced digital mar-ketplaces in the world.With its sophisticat-ed shoppers,massive volume of transac-tions,rapid rate of innovation,and integration of social media,multimedia,and other chann

    16、els,Chinas online environ-ment offers a glimpse into the future.A few key characteristics of consumers,brands,and shopping platforms in Chinas online landscape clearly differentiate it from online marketplaces in the West.Chinese consumers are eager tospend moneyand they spend a lotof time shopping.In China,shoppingis about more than just the transaction.Its about entertainment,discovery,and social engagement with friends,cele brities,and internet influencers.On average,Chinas consumers spendalm

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