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    1、2001Les actes du CONATNATCON PapersFacilitating Career Development ThroughSuper?s Life Career RainbowAneneosa A.OkochaUniversity of WisconsinWhitewater,Wisconsin,U.S.A.2001(Aneneosa A.Okocha)The author owns the copyright of this article.You may photocopy or reprintthis article,or sections of it,prov

    2、ided that you acknowledge the author.2A.OkochaIntroductionCareer development theories are generally the foundation forcareer development practices(Brown and Brooks 1996;Zunker1998).Super?s life-span,life-space theory offers an excellentdevelopmental framework for career counselling.This is partic-ul

    3、arly useful for identifying counselling goals and strategies.The purpose of this paper is threefold:1.To provide a very brief overview of Super?s theory of LifeCareer Rainbow(LCR)segment.2.To discuss specific strategies for career exploration andcounselling,using LCR as a framework.3.To highlight th

    4、e implications of using the LCR in workingwith a culturally diverse clientele.Super?s Life Career Rainbow(LCR)LCR is the cornerstone of Super?s life-span life-space theory,which comprises two major dimensions:life-span and life-space.According to Super,an individual passes throughdifferent life stag

    5、es:growth,exploration,establishment,maintenance,and decline or disengagement,when involved incareer decision-making(Super 1980;Super et al 1996).Thesestages make up the life-span realm of the LCR that correspondto the development phases of adolescence,adulthood,middleage,and old age.As for the life-

    6、space component of the LCR,Super maintained that people usually play nine roles at specificpoints throughout their lifetime:child,student,leisurite,citizen,parent,spouse,home-maker,worker,and pensioner orannuitant.He further indicated that these roles are played infour theatres:home,school,workplace

    7、,and community.LCRis essentially the pictorial or graphic depiction of these nineroles from birth(growth)to old age(decline)according to theamount of time and energy one expends in each role.It isimportant to note that in order to effectively develop an LCRone should carefully consider role salience

    8、,which is theimportance an individual attaches to each of the nine roles.The significance of role salience in career planning has beenemphasized in research(Brown and Crace 1996;Cook 1996;Nevill and Super 1986;Super 1980).A standardized assessmenttool for measuring the role salience was developed(Co

    9、ok 1996;3Facilitating Career Development Through Super?s Life Career RainbowNevill and Super(1986).Super also asserted that as one movesthrough the life stages and juggles the various life roles,especially the work role,one?s self-concept is being implemented.This assertion is underscored by others

    10、in career counsellingwho believe that a chosen career affects personal developmentand satisfaction with life(McIntosh 2000;Zunker 1998).Strategies for Using LCR in Career CounsellingSuper?s life-span feature is useful for identifying the stage of aclient?s career development,and in formulating goals

    11、 forcounselling.For instance,if a counsellor determines that a clientis at Super?s exploration stage,one counselling goal may be tohelp the client narrow personal career choices,or better still,commit to one choice.An illustration of this scenario wouldbe a college sophomore who has difficulties pic

    12、king out a majorbecause so many disciplines seem interesting.Helping thestudent make an informed decision when choosing a major willthen be the primary focus of the counselling sessions.The life-space segment of the LCR can be used as an effectivequalitative assessment tool.This assessment is accomp

    13、lishedmainly in two ways.First,clients are asked to develop theircurrent and ideal LCRs.If there are discrepancies between thetwo,as shown in figure 1,clients are then directed to discussplans to attain ideal LCR.They are also encouraged to identifypossible barriers and challenges that they might en

    14、counter intheir bid to reach ideal roles.Suggestions on how the clientscould work towards attaining ideal roles while effectivelytackling any challenges would then be discussed.Figure 1Current and Future Life Career RainbowSpouse15%Homemaker5%Student5%Child5%Spiritual5%Work65%Spouse20%Spiritual10%Ho

    15、memaker10%Child10%Work50%Current RolesIdeal Roles4A.OkochaLCR may also be used to encourage clients to begin to thinkabout their future roles in relation to career planning.Forinstance,clients are urged to consider specific roles throughtheir LCRs that they envision playing five to ten years fromnow

    16、(see figure 2).This helps clients plan ahead by setting uptentative reachable goals.The counsellor then collaborates withthe clients in identifying useful strategies for attaining theirgoals.In my experience,some clients are quite creative withpictorial and graphic illustrations of their LCRs.Some usecomputer graphics,pie charts,histograms,or collages to depicttheir LCRs.Others incorporate roles in addition to the originalnine roles identified by Super,for example,the spiritual role.And,clients

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